
Fits for VW Jetta EOS Passat Scirocco Mirror Glass Blue Heated Aspheric LH RH Set

Item number 1911921
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Wing Mirror Glass LEFT+RIGHT

  • High Quality

  • For LH Passenger Side and RH Driver Side

  • Complete Real Replacement Glass

  • Plug & Play / Ready To Be Installed

  • Blue & Heated & Aspheric

  • Anti Blind Spot Glass - Never miss things right next to you!


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Give your car an upgrade.

One Set Brand New & Complete the BLUE - HEATED - ASPHERIC mirror glass for Left / Passenger side and Right / Driver Side:

VW EOS Typ 1F7 (models from 05/2008-)
For VW Jetta 4 (Models from 04/2010-)
For Passat B7 Typ 36 (models from 02/2010-)
For VW Passat CC (models from 06/2008-)
For VW Scirocco 3 Typ 137 (models from 05/2008-)

For power and manual as well as heated and non heated mirrors.

Easy installed by anybody without any modifications to the car or the mirrors.

  • One Set Brand New & Complete the BLUE - HEATED - ASPHERIC mirror glass for Left / Passenger side and Right / Driver Side: For VW EOS Typ 1F7 (models from 05/2008-), For VW Jetta 4 (Models from 04/2010-), For Passat B7 Typ 36 (models from 02/2010-), For VW Passat CC (models from 06/2008-), For VW Scirocco 3 Typ 137 (models from 05/2008-).
  • Aftermarket: The product is not a genuine part of the brand manufacturer
Goingfast GmbH
Altenburger Str. 47-49
Ronneburg Germany 07580